Survey Research: Design, Planning, Implementation, and Ethics

This course introduces survey research design, implementation, analysis, and ethical considerations.

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About this Course

Surveys are used in almost every academic field, from sociology and political science, to education, medicine, public health, and business. Drawing on best industry practices, this course provides learners an introduction to core design decisions and common options for designing and implementing survey research. Multiple modes are covered including face-to-face, telephone, online, and mail surveys.

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Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Faculty, Higher Education Administrators, Postdocs, Researchers, Students

Organizational Subscription Price: $675 per year/per site for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site for for-profit organizations
Independent Learner Price: $99 per person

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Course Content

Core Survey Terms and Concepts

This module introduces the foundational concepts of survey methodology, which will be further examined throughout the course. In its modern form, the discipline of survey methodology follows the Total Survey Error (TSE) framework, which will be fully discussed.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20996 (English)
Author(s): Matt Jans, PhD - National Center for Health Statistics ; Zoe Padgett, MS - Momentive.AI (Survey Monkey)

Measurement Errors and Issues

This module focuses on the measurement side of the Total Survey Error (TSE) framework. Measurement error has roots in psychological measurement. Measurement errors are those that occur when researchers record data and are sometimes called “errors of observation.”

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20997 (English)
Author(s): Matt Jans, PhD - National Center for Health Statistics ; Zoe Padgett, MS - Momentive.AI (Survey Monkey)

Representation Errors and Issues

This module covers the representation side of the Total Survey Error (TSE) framework. It explains coverage, sampling, nonresponse, and statistical adjustment errors, including some of the most common approaches and issues with each type of error.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20998 (English)
Author(s): Matt Jans, PhD - National Center for Health Statistics ; Zoe Padgett, MS - Momentive.AI (Survey Monkey)

Writing Questions

This module turns to the practical applications of measurement error principles and provides concrete advice to help you write survey items that minimize measurement error and item nonresponse.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20999 (English)
Author(s): Matt Jans, PhD - National Center for Health Statistics ; Zoe Padgett, MS - Momentive.AI (Survey Monkey)

Putting It All Together – Designing a Good Sample and Contact Approach

This module discusses how sampling is conducted and how decisions about sampling and contact approaches to maximize response are related in practice. 

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21000 (English)
Author(s): Matt Jans, PhD - National Center for Health Statistics ; Zoe Padgett, MS - Momentive.AI (Survey Monkey)

Putting It All Together – Writing and End-to-End Survey Research Protocol

This module brings all of the individual components of survey design together and how to develop a series of detailed protocols.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21001 (English)
Author(s): Matt Jans, PhD - National Center for Health Statistics ; Zoe Padgett, MS - Momentive.AI (Survey Monkey)

Analyzing, Reporting, and Documenting Survey Data (and Preparing for These Steps)

This module begins with a description of the analysis and reporting best practices that are unique to surveys. It then discusses how to create a data collection system to help you implement those best practices. The module also provides a brief overview of creating and using survey weights and preparing for analysis and reporting throughout the survey lifecycle.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21002 (English)
Author(s): Matt Jans, PhD - National Center for Health Statistics ; Zoe Padgett, MS - Momentive.AI (Survey Monkey)

Ethical and Regulatory Considerations in Surveys

Research involving surveys may be exempt from the regulations, or an Institutional Review Board (IRB) may determine that is “not greater than minimal risk”. However, there are common design choices that require more ethical scrutiny, such as whether sampled people and households are truly anonymous, the type of data collected, and the potential for respondents to feel they are required to participate. If an organization does not have an IRB or formal ethics review process, this module provides a roadmap to maintain high ethical standards in research. 

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21003 (English)
Author(s): Matt Jans, PhD - National Center for Health Statistics ; Zoe Padgett, MS - Momentive.AI (Survey Monkey)


Who should take the Survey Research: Design, Planning, Implementation, and Ethics course?

The suggested audience includes students, faculty, staff, and researchers that want to learn more about survey design and ethical considerations.

How long does it take to complete the Survey Research: Design, Planning, Implementation, and Ethics course?

This course consists of eight required modules. Each module should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

What are the standard recommendations for learner groups?

This course is designed such that learners should complete all eight required modules in the recommended sequence.

Is this course eligible for continuing medical education credits?

This course does not currently have CE/CME credits available.

Why should an organization subscribe to this course?

Organizational subscriptions provide access to the organization's affiliated members. This allows organizations to train individuals across the organization on survey research design.

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